Go and Take the way of Unknow

What is the easiest way to plan your life?


Human is afraid of the unknown.

It’s something normal. It’s made to protect us, but it doesn’t help us!

The easy  way is “ to Go out of the comfort’s zone”. You have enough career of it which does not answer any more your operational dream about the other thing.

Sailingyou career is rich to planify your operational  dream

You imagine numerous options by thinking that they are unrealistic or impossible to concretize.

You have a precise idea of what you want to make without knowing by where to begin !

Stretch and Enlarge this zone : Go out of it!


  • « Going  to » an event where you know anyone.
  • Speak to people that you don’t know and also discuss with “attractive girl or boy” in a coffee.
  • Even Make a new sport  OR Travelling

Travelling very often mean going out of its own country and going  to learn a new  language and other culture.

Go out of your zone of comfort, it’s exactly that.

« Leave it small cocoon to go towards the unknown ».

Then if you decide to go in a European country rather developed as Italy or England, you will not necessarily be disoriented.
Not too much a little, if anyone speaks English and you didn’t speak Italian!

On the other hand, if you live in a country with a completely set culture, as Maghreb’s or Asian’s countries :

you’re going « to go out » even farther of your comfort zone.

Because this zone is not only physical or geographical, it is also mental.

You go to meet a completely different culture.

How You will survive?


Flowers ans aromatics

Our development is influenced by each of our thoughts and each bad and good deed.
Most of our troubles result from the weakness of our body.

« As soon as you learn how to make something, learn something else and made it »

A zone where  you feel confident

To go out of the comfort zone, there is a word « go out” and it’s been in many places and meetings.

Your network is going to increase step by step.

People who succeed are those who don’t hesitate to help and receive from help in return.

“Your professional network is going to grow up and you can feel more confident.”


« The positive suggestion and Various Techniques of RELAXATION »

Schultz and Autogenic Training – Jacobson – Relaxation therapy Caycedo – Sophrology

 Step by Step

The relaxation it is the opposite of the nervous excitement.  It is the absence of impulse of nerves towards muscles.
We Privilege all the sensations of relaxing. Being in a relaxed posture, lie down on your back and relax with the breath to reduce the muscle tone.
Induction by the positive suggestion associated with a background music to bring towards the mental relaxing.
This phase is before the moment of sleep.

The relaxation therapy associating breath, muscular looseness and visualization of positive images, for a long time used in the medical frame.


Therapy of the disorders and confusions of psychic origin like :

Insomnias – Anxiety – Nervousness – Tiredless – Confusion of the sleep – Excessive Indécision-Susceptibility – Obsession – Melancholy – Frustration …


Breath which revitalizes the nervous system

« If the spirit is the root of all the physical troubles, the origin of which is psychic and emotional,  can  be also source of the cure ».

Few breathing :

Yogi breath full  : Inhale 4t or 6t 6r 8t or 12t  and exhale same time. 

Punctuated breat :  Inhale  and Exhale  6puls hold  the breath half of the time 3 puls  We can breathing until 16puls. Hold on the breath between Inhale and Exhale 4puls , 8 puls


Surya Bedhana  : Breath which revitalizes the nervous system Inhale It, by the right nostril 4T and Exhale by the left nostril 4T  . Hold on the breath between Inhale and Exhale 4T, 8T.

Surya = sun  Bedhana = Blooming

 Map of few Paths
Which one?

My life changed this day IMAG2827

ON 2013, the 20th of September what I did!
I decided to go to Italie, alone, during 10 days,  near “Genova” to visit  small villages by Paths of wine properties through the mountain, called CINQUE TERRES towards the sea and practise MY Yoga.

After this trip,  I flew away to New York City, for one month, first time and see my best friend Audrey.
I feel so confident and a lot of energy to continue my project
It was my first long travel trip alone!

How you enlarge your confort zone ?IMAG2832

Tell me about your experiencing of affective and emotional states!

Publié par Thouraya

Le Mouvement est principe de toute Vie

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